Nairobi city county government invites the public and interested stakeholders for public participation consultation on informal trading within Nairobi CBD. These include informal traders (hawkers), members of public consumer associations, civil society networks, special interest groups, CBOs, business owners within CBD, private and public sector representatives.

Dates for physical consultations are as follows:

On the 3rd of November 2022, the county government invites CBOs, special interest groups, civil society networks and all other special interest groups. The meeting will take place at Charter hall from 10:00 am.

On the 3rd again, the county government invites KNCCI, KEPSA and other business and trade associations, at the same venue, from 2:00 pm.

On 4th of November 2022, the county government invites informal traders’ association and members, at the same venue, from 10:00 am.

Written memoranda can be forwarded to the Office of the County Secretary, Nairobi City County Government, P.O Box 30075-00100 Nairobi. On email, write to before 4th November 2022, at 5:00 pm.

Image credit: Business Daily