The law, as currently is, does not provide for a deadline for the approval of the CIDP. However, as the overarching development plan that should guide all county government spending approved by the incoming administration, it should be ideally completed before the County Fiscal Strategic Paper (CFSP) and budget estimates. Its formulation should begin as soon as the new administration is in place – CEC members and COs appointed and confirmed. Preparatory technical work could begin even earlier. We will talk about the CFSP later. 

In general, CIDP development process is as follows:


The County Finance and Economic Planning Committee:
  1. Circulates CIDP guidance to sectors/ departments.
  2. Establishes/Mobilizes Technical Secretariat (Finance and Economic Planning and sector technical officers).
  3. Establishes/Mobilizes Sector Working Groups (including non-state actors).
  4. Establishes/Mobilizes Sub-County/Ward Sector Committees.
  5. Sensitizes incoming County Executive and County Assembly in joint sessions.
  6. Carries out Orientation and Work Planning with Sector/Technical teams at county, sub-county and ward level.

Phase 1: Data Collection, Review and Analysis

  1. Sector Working Groups, with guidance from County Finance and Economic Planning;
    • Gets updated of General County Information
    • Reviews National Plans (MTP)
    • Reviews of Long-Term County Plans and Frameworks (Spatial, Sector, City/Municipal)
    • Reviews Past/Previous Performance – Successes, Lessons and Challenges.
  2. The County Finance and Economic Planning Committee, invites initial public views on development challenges and expectations for the coming five years (as part of Step 2 above).
  3. Citizens/CSOs provide public views on development challenges and expectations for the coming five years.
  4. Sector Working Groups (which includes both state and non-state actors) prepare situation analysis from the public participation in step 3 above.
  5. Sector Working Groups then brief County Executive Committee on Situation Analysis, Progress and Next Steps.
  6. The County Executive Committee (CEC) issues comments on Situation Analysis.
  7. Sector Working Groups incorporate comments from County Executive Committee.
  8. County Finance and Economic Planning Committee reviews and signs-off on Phase 1.

Phase 2: Strategies, Programs and Projects
  1. In 2 months, the CEC identifies key and cross-sectoral strategies, while Sector Working Groups develop programmes and projects. Key outputs here, include; 
    • Strategies
    • Programmes and Projects (including National Flagships and County Core Programs/Projects)
    • Cross-Sectoral and Cross-Cutting Linkages and Considerations
  2. In 2 months, County Finance and Economic Planning committee consolidates CIDP Strategic Draft.
  3. Briefs County Executive Committee and CBEF (County Budget and Economic Forum) on Strategic Draft, Progress and Next Steps.
  4. CEC/CBEF provide comments on Strategic Draft.
  5. County Finance and Economic Planning Committee incorporates comments from County Executive Committee and CBEF.
  6. Sector Working Groups holds consultation with County Assembly.
  7. County Assembly provides inputs and comment through above consultation.
  8. County Finance and Economic Planning reviews and sign-off on Phase 2.

Phase 3 – Implementation Framework
  1. In 3 months, Sector Working Groups develop implementation framework for the CIDP, which includes; 
    • Institutional Arrangements
    • Resourcing and Financing
    • Monitoring and Evaluation
  2. County Finance and Economic Planning Committee consolidate complete CIDP draft.
  3. Circulate the CIDP to the County Executive Committee and CBEF.
  4. CEC/CBEF provides input and comments on the CIDP draft.
  5. Sector Working Groups / County Finance and Economic Planning Committee incorporates comments from County Executive Committee and CBEF.
  6. Holds consultation with County Assembly Committee.
  7. County Assembly provides inputs and comment through above consultation.
  8. Sector Working Groups / County Finance and Economic Planning Committee prepares final pre-validation CIDP and invite stakeholder validation.
  9. Holds stakeholder validation.
  10. Citizens/CSOs provide inputs and comments during stakeholder validation.
  11. In 4 months, County Finance and Economic Planning Committee prepares final consolidation of CIDP from all comments.
  12. Submits the final CIDP to the County Assembly.
  13. County Assembly receives the CIDP and invite comments and public participation.
  14. Citizens/CSOs provide inputs and comments.
  15. County Assembly provide approval of CIDP subject to any final adjustments.
  16. In 5 months, County Finance and Economic Planning Committee performs a final consolidation of the approved CIDP.
  17. Submit the final CIDP to the County Assembly.
  18. Publishes and publicizes the CIDP on web site for public accessibility.